Between 2005 and 2010 Reach Care Foundation implemented the Nigerian Seroconversion Panel also known as the REACH (Recruiting Early Acute Cases of HIV) Project, the first of its kind in Nigeria.
This project was a collaborative research with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), and Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland Baltimore USA and funded by Centre for Disease Control Atlanta Georgia USA.
The project involves the collection of enough seroconversion panels (blood, saliva and processed Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells) along with a data base of informative variables as project deliverables for CDC intramural use in development and refinement of Sensitive/Less sensitive assay to measure HIV incidence in Nigeria. Our organization utilizing the facility based HCT and the Mobile/Moonlight HCT outreach strategy (i.e. HCT and collection of blood samples at night bars and clubs from cohorts that might be involved in high risk behaviors and may be acutely infected with HIV within FCT and environs). We have also collaborated with IHVN in the implementation of the ACTION project by taking the interventions to Most At Risk and Hard to Reach Populations in various states of the Federation namely; FCT, Kaduna, Niger, Benue, Yobe, Plateau, and Nassarawa states.
At the completion of the Seroconversion panel study in 2009, RCFN riding on the success, achievement and experiences gained in the seroconversion study secured a 12 month (2009-2010) funding grants from Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) to provide and implement IHVN/AIDS Care and Treatment in Nigeria (IHVN/ACTION) Project in Fiscal Year (FY) 10 with defined objectives and targets to be met by the funding organization.
RCFN was able to implement and provide comprehensive program of Prevention, treatment care and support to improve the health outcome and well-being of high risk groups such as Commercial Sex Workers (CSW), Out of School youths, Transport Workers, youths in Hausa Drama houses in FCT and surrounding areas by delivering quality prevention activities and Counselling and Testing services such as: ABC prevention through Peer Education, STI Syndromic Management, promoting Correct, Consistent Condom usage and distribution, distribution of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials.
In 2012 Reach Care Foundation signed another sub-contract agreement with Institute of Human Virology Nigeria to implement the ACTION PLUS Up Project for fiscal Year 13 with the mandate of assessing and activating appropriate number of mobile HTC sites in Kano, Katsina states and the FCT providing quality HIV Testing and Counselling services, and ensuring an effective referrals and linkages of the positive clients GON/USG support facilities for treatment, care and support.
The implementation of the ACTION PLUS UP project by RCFN in Kano and Katsina states is being achieved by engaging stakeholders like Kano State Action Committee on AIDS (KASACA), Katsina State Action Committee on AIDS (KATSACA), Kano/Katsina regional offices of the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN), Community Based Organizations that have experience in engaging the local chiefs and community gate-keepers in these states and signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
Currently RCFN is supporting six (6) Community-Based Organizations in Kano and Katsina states and have future plans to engage more CBOs subject to funds availability. Capacity building training on mHTC and Data recording and reporting was organized for the CBOs to implement mobile HCT in this states.

Secondment of Reach Care Foundation staff for the African Union-Ebola outbreak response to Liberia and Sierra- Leone
- Part of the Infection Prevention and Control ( IPC) team that helped to promote individual and public health hygiene practices that bring about safe environment for health care workers and patients in the health facilities and environment.
- Part of the School IPC team in Liberia involved in the development and implementation of IPC policies or protocol for Safe school environment during the Ebola outbreak in Liberia.
- Participated in the training and capacity building of facilitators that offered step down trainings to health workers on Ebola outbreak
- Provided expertise during restoration of laboratory services in James Davies Junior Memorial Hospital (JDJ)) Paynesville, Liberia
- Aided contact tracing of individuals in contact with Ebola patients
- Collated data and facilitated reporting during the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra-Leone
HIV Counselling and Testing
Expected Target:
- Provide HTC services to 7000 individuals and refer positive clients
- Tested 12,000 (171%) individuals
Condom & Other Prevention (C&OP)
Expected Target:
- Train 50 Peer Educators
- Establish 11 condom outlets
- 45 (90%) Peer Educators trained
- 11 (100%) condoms outlets established

HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC)
Expected Target:
- Reach 150,000 clients with HTC
- Positive clients referral and Linkages to Care and Support
- Assess and activate appropriate number facility/community
- Tested 384,858 (257%) clients
- Referred and linked to Care and treatment 1,696 clients
- Assessed and Activated 6 Community-Based Organizations
HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC)
Expected Target:
- Reach 150,000 clients with HCT intervention
- Effective linkage of positive clients to Care and Support services
- Assess and Activation of appropriate number of facility/community
- Tested 133,629 (89%)
- Reffered and linked to care and treatment 638 clients
- Assess and activated 8 additional CBOs in Kano and Katsina states