Snake bite in the Sub Saharan Africa is a much neglected disease (clinical emergency) that causes considerable morbidity and mortality in rural poor communities. This disease burden is preventable by the administration of appropriate anti-venom.
Treatment of poisonous snake bites could be considered under the following stage;
- First aids at the venue of bite
- Transfer to health facility for definitive treatment
- Management in the treatment centre.
- Echi TAb G (ASV) a specific monovalent against Echi Ocellatus (carpet viper) bite.
- Echi Tab-plus ICP, a specific polyvalent against the bite of arietans (puff adder), Echis Ocellatus (carpet viper) and Naja Nigricollis (black copra)
The last stage is the one we offer in RCF Treatment Centre which involves conducting physical and clinical examinations to establish the type of snake, the level of envenomation and the damage done on arrival.
The anti snake venoms (ASV) we use in treating snake bite cases are of 2 types:The NAFDAC registered anti-venoms are produced by the collaboration of EchiTAb study Group (ESG) Nigeria/UK, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), Micropharm Ltd UK, and Institute Coldomiro Picado, University of Coast Rica with financial sponsorship of the Federal ministry of Health.
- Anti-rabies treatment of dog-bite victims:
- Administration of hyperimmune serum or hyper immune IgG on day 0; and
- Vaccinotherapy with cell culture vaccine from day 0
- Laboratory diagnosis of rabies:
- Diagnosis in life or at autopsy by immunofluoresce.
In collaboration with our international and local partners RCF is providing quality services on HIV/AIDS prevention, Care and Support and providing linkages to access Anti-retroviral treatment. RCF has expanded its scope by targeting most at risk population (MARPS) in Nigeria using the mobile HCT model to deliver HCT services to hard- to- reach population in rural areas.
Reach Care Foundation is providing routine counseling and testing for pregnant women at its clinical site in Asokoro District Hospital and also providing linkages to care and support for HIV positive women to access staging of infection and ART under the PEPFAR programme. As well as establishing the prevalence and incidence of HIV/AIDS infection among pregnant women in Nigeria.
For Further Enquiries, You Can Get In Touch With Us AS Follows
- Head Office: 91, 4th Avenue, Gwarinpa, Abuja. (Contact Person: Dr. Nandul Durfa)
- Clinic Site: Asokoro District Hospital, 16 Julius Nyerere Street, Asokoro, Abuja. (Contact Person: Prof. Abdulsalami Nasidi)