HIV Testing and Counselling

Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
December 4, 2018
Nigeria AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey (NAIIS)
April 1, 2019
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In collaboration with our international and local partners RCF is providing quality services on   HIV/AIDS prevention, Care and Support and providing linkages to access Anti-Retroviral treatment. RCF has expanded its scope by targeting most at risk population (MARPS) in Nigeria using the mobile HCT model to deliver HCT services to hard- to- reach population in rural areas.

To achieve set targets Reach Care Foundation outreach field staff directly implemented the outreach mobile HIV Testing and Counselling activities in the FCT by conducting daily outreaches to sites/communities in the FCT. Moonlight (Night enrollment) of populations at bars and nightclubs was equally being conducted at every Friday night. For the Kano and Katsina sites RCFN is currently partnering and directly supporting Six (6) Community-based Organizations (CBO) with funding and commodities (HIV Rapid Test kits, safety commodities, Data Collection Tools etc.) to implement the program.

Currently Reach Foundation is implementing the IHVN/ACTION PLUS Up for FY 14. RCFN is consolidating on the achievements gained in FY 13 by ensuring the sustainability of the program by the CBOs-how? Linking the CBOs with the State Action Committee on AIDS (SACA).